27 February 2018

Physics Methods last class and Charging a cell phone

Bicycling to charge a cell phone.

Before the class, a student was using an exercise bike to charge his cell phone.. He had bicycled for 10 minutes and his cell phone was charged only 6%.

Lecture on formative assessment.

Task: Discuss with your partner: what is formative assessment, what kind, what belongs to formative assessment and how does it affect learning.
Students discussed the topic for about 5 minutes. There were 9 male and 3 female students present.

Charging a cell phone
No lectures tomorrow, university is on strike. 
It was nice to be back to to University.  Last week was "Skiing Holiday", winter break. 

Taas pitkästä aikaa luennoilla.  Oli viime viikolla hiihtoloma, ei luentoja.  
Formative vs. Summative (vaikuttaa arvosanaan)

Opetussuunnitelma ja oppilaitoksen kehittäminen.  

Students shared to discussions
types: calculations, group work, comparative assessment, kahoot, observations

Where are these used: where are we going?

Then teacher explained what the educators think about formative assessment. Any questions?

Read in groups two examples about class discussions.  Think about the actions of teachers and actions of students.  What are students doing?  What kind of assessments are these?
Rest of the lecture was discussions, mostly teacher talked, explained the reading material.

Next students got an assignment to prepare three slides on a formative assessment on any physics topics.  They did not have to preset the ideas, just to drop the slides into homework folder.  
