10 April 2018

Lyseonpuisto High school in Rovaniemi

School late in the evening
I got contact information for the visit from Noah Rothering who was a Fulbright teacher at the school several years ago.  I contacted the principal and I got immediately a welcome invitation for the next day.  I was met by the vice-principal and all the other teachers that has a contact with Noah. Everyone was very friendly and I was able to visit all the classrooms and see ow the teachers communicate with the students.  At the end of the visit I received a wonderful book that was created by the students at the school.  It was titled Metsän jälki and it was published by Metsäkustannus. 

Teacher room

Reijo Koponen

Vice principal Kaisa Liljeberg and Noah's friend either one of these Ulla Isojärvi, Eija Uusitalo, or Eija Koivuranta
Music Teacher
Music lecture room
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Famous landmark, the staircase
Physical Education
Lecture room
Staircase in the middle of the school
Collection of Stuffed Birds
Lecture room
Student art work

Ulla Isojärvi, Eija Uusitalo, or Eija Koivuranta