04 April 2018

Nature School in Nuuksio National Park

Teachers brainstorming on a frozen lake
Professional development Nature school for teachers of all grade levels organized by Sykli. The theme was phenomenon in forest. The purpose was to introduce easy models for multidisciplinary activities in forest.
At the beginning, Sykli was introduced with all the possible websites to educate student in environmental science. Link: Urly.fi/V44
Other good websites, matikkapolut, MAPPA also has lesson plans in English.

The first activity we did: We were divided into groups of 4 and each member of a group was given a set of photographic information and we were to explain the information to each other. We wondered on a lake and discussed. Next, we were mixed with members from other groups and were told to explain the information we learned from the first group. My information was about different job interviews students had to do and the methods they used in presenting their findings. Other groups had discussed assessments, student questions etc.

The next activity involved recognizing plants. Everyone was given a card with a photo of a plant and it’s name.  Then you had to introduce yourself to someone else, but now having your last name the name of the plant and then you exchanged cards. Few more rounds. Then everyone had to find an environment where she/he belonged to. In that environment there was a description of the environment. This way you learned the plants and their environment.

Next activity. We were given photographic cards that dealt with forests.  We were to come up with as many questions s possible from the photo. Then we got another card. The same thing, as many questions as possible. Third card, repeat. Then you had to narrow your questions to three most important ones and then to one. We dealt with these questions after lunch.

Lunch. Buffet, I took salad bar and soup and dessert. Good.

After lunch, we had to come up with a lesson plan based on the one question we chose from a forest. We came up with an acting sceme that dealt with rocks because our #1 Questions was why are there so many rocks and where did they come from? We read a mystical story about rocks (pirunpelto). We created characters in the story, gigant man, trees, builders, different animals, wind. Everyone was given a character.  We read the story and everyone had to act what we described in the story. At the end we explained the geology of the rock and history. This was an opening act to create interest in the topic.

Other groups explained their lesson plans. Fun activity.

The end activity. Find an object in nature. Two of you will be asking questions, two of you will be the object(s). One will record. The interviewers ask questions and the objects answer them. No people shown, just the object. Then show the recordings to everyone, one group at the time..

At the end a stick “microphone” was passed on and everyone said what they thought about the class. 

Afterwards I was interviewed for an article at the SYKLI website.  Here is the link:


Lecture on nature activities

Narrowing five questions into one, the most important one.

Find objects picture on your card.