20 April 2018

Discussions with my Advisor

Nice conference with my advisor Kalle Juuti.  
We talked many different things.
Professor Kalle Juuti
Photo Credit: University of Helsinki

He suggested that I should meet with Jari Lavonen.    He is the “systematic father” of education in Finland. He has the knowledge of everything that has to do with teacher education, both in Finland and abroad.

Curriculum is designed with the principal and it lasts the whole year.  It includes a long term professional development plan for each individual teacher. The principal has to monitor this. 

Student teachers must plan the lessons and tests together in groups. They discuss the pros and cons on each subject. This can take hours. The teachers also need to discuss the lesson plans with a mentor before they can teach. Other trainees can also also be in a conference to discuss someone else’s teaching. Trainees also need to observe other trainees in the classroom, 30 times during the last year of education.

      I have been following professional development opportunities and I explained some of them to him.  Many teachers attend these opportunities, but because there is no mandatory attendance, only the once that are self-motivated will do it. 
2.     Kalle thinks there should be a universal long term professional development plan that is agreed with the principal and the teacher. It can be anything that relates to his/her teachings, I will be individualized.  Some schools do it.  But, there is extra work for the principal, so not many schools are involved with it.  All the schools are mandated to have two professional development events a year.  They function pretty much the same way as in US.  Someone comes to schools and gives a presentation and everyone is bored and wants to go home.  This new personalized plan would be a big step for teachers and students.
3.     Student teaching.  I talked about my experience. I was very impressed with the program but I expressed my opinion about the feedback the master teacher gives for teachers.  I think that the evaluations are too easy.  I would have expressed my observations immediately. But it is the opposite here. At the beginning the trainees are asked about their feelings, how do you think it went.  Even there were negative aspects of teaching, the master teacher wanted the trainee to figure it out.  If they cannot, then the master teacher finds ways to approach the problem by asking questions. The philosophy is that there is no negative feedback.  It makes sense.  You have just given a lesson and you did your best, the negative feedback would make you feel bad and inferior.  All the feedback should be positively constructive.

       My opinion:  More about teacher training.  In addition to student teaching in  Normaalilyseo, the teachers need to have experience in teaching other schools than just the training schools.  This was also the opinion of many of the teacher trainees.