06 March 2018

Visit to Physicum

Front entrance to Physicum
I found my physics host professor Ismo Koponen, room 227 second floor in the physics department at the University of Helsinki.  I was interested in knowing what I have to do if I want to become a physics subject teacher.

To become a teacher, you need to take 120 units of courses in physics. In some of them the emphasis is put one education; how to apply physics concepts to everyday life.  First you learn facts, then understanding on how to assess what you have learned and third, the critical thinking, analysis of the topic.  
In addition, you have to take 60 units of education on your second major. Most of the students choose mathematics. 
Notes from our discussions:  
Type of people who apply to become a teacher is a person who started with physics major and then realized that research is not for me.  About 6000 highschools graduates major in physics and abut 20,000 in math every year.  From those 6000 about 300 qualify to teach physics, rest of them continue to become scientists.  
In order to become a teacher, you need to be interviewed.  There are two people who do this.  One is from the teacher training school and another from the university education department.  The ratio of applicants is about 50/50 boys vs. girls.  Both are equally good, equal high school grades, but boys seem to have a bigger ego.  But there has been a slight decrease in female applications. Ismo thinks it is because of societal thinking.  It’s all politics.  The congress is constantly broadcasting messages that woman’s place is at home, have children and take care of them. 
            There is a big difference in England, Italy and eastern block countries.  In England people think science diminishes feminism.   In Italy, men don’t appreciate teaching because of the salary.  It’s too low to support family and they seek opportunities in other fields. 
Student work spaces
Finland has excellent teacher education institutions.  There are two ways to get into teaching.  The top students from high school apply directly to the program or you can study something else first, change your mind and then apply to teacher education program. The field is appealing because teachers are appreciated, valued highly, and regarded as model citizens with high values.  Education is excellent because equity.  Everyone has the same basic education regardless where you live.  All the teacher have the same education, they deliver the same academics, everything is equal.  Everyone has equal rights.  There are few independent, private schools but they are free for everyone, they have the same curriculum but administration may be different.  Examples, English school, German school, Russian school, French school, and Finnish yhteiskoulu (combination school).  The themes in Finnish education are:  equity, transparency, understanding, and equal rights.  Each school has the same basic education, but the upper school, high school specializes in certain topics. 
            Finland does not have any “top schools”, schools that excel over other schools.  But there are schools that specializes in certain disciplines, like music, science, literature, and arts.  The basic education is the same in all schools but these special schools offer more classes
Plans for the future in teacher education
More about teacher education.  In order to get in, you need to have an interview.  Two people will interview all the applicants.  One is from a university teaching program and another one from a teacher training school.  Usual questions are: why do you want to become a teacher, etc.  Often the answer is: I want to be exactly like my __ teacher.

The Key players in choosing the future Physics teachers. Ismo Koponen and Tommi Kokkonen